About Us
Who are we?
We are a group of activists hoping to contribute to solving campus sexual harassment in China. We aim to spread institutional reforms, creative education and systematic education to more schools in China through our toolkit.
Why are we doing this?
Constantly reading news regarding sexual harassment cases in famous Chinese universities, we realize how prevalent they are. However, there exists a long tradition of Chinese schools holding autocratic power in deciding policies. With patriarchal culture disregarding the severity of sexual harassment, it means the school tends to cover up or neglect such complaints.
We realize the significance of a clear report and investigation procedure, and a panel specialized for investigation, whose power is under strict check-and-balance to maintain procedural and substantive justice. We also recognize that disciplinary measures are not enough - we need long-term, systematic education to raise awareness and create a healthy school environment.
Since Peking University has ceased to proceed with its anti-sexual harassment institution establishment since 2018 (http://www.gov.cn/xinwen/2018-04/08/content_5280670.htm), we realise that this initiative needs to be pushed forwards not from top to bottom, but from bottom to top. This toolkit is our first attempt.
What are our services?
Our toolkit is designed primarily for middle schools and high schools in China, but we also welcome aspiring volunteers from universities or colleges. Considering the nature of our initiative, we aim to start from international schools, private schools, or international branches of some public schools.
Our toolkit provides basic guidance for volunteers to implement a similar institution in their schools. We fully understand the diversity of campuses, and their subsequent diversity of needs when it comes to institution establishment at school. Hence, we encourage the establisher to flexibly select, amend and add components to fit their particular schools.
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